Rare Earth Magnetic Motor

THEORY: To use the power within Rare Earth Magnets to create a rotational force.

DATE of ORIGIN: September, 2007

DESCRIPTION: Create a stator and rotor out of 5 lbs rare earth magnets in such a configuration as to float the rotor in a magnetic field between the two stator halves. Then to induce an uneven influence to cause the rotor to turn. Trying to harness the power of magnets.

This is an experiment in the power of magnets. Each of the individual magnet seen here is a 5 pound rare earth magnet. There are over five hundred magnets with a combined force of over 2500 pounds of force. The idea is to use this force to create a rotation force.

Of course, for every action there is an equal and opposite action. So in theory the motor will never work. But an imagination is a powerful driver of innovation. The idea is to balance the rotor in the magnetic field of the stator. Once that is achieved the next step is to induce an imbalance in the rotational direction causing the rotor to turn.

Currently the rotor wants to crash into the stator so an axle was installed to steady the rotor. Notice that in the picture below, in the background you can see the two halves of the stator with the top half floating above the bottom half. This motor is made of three basic materials, paper, glue and 5 lbs rare earth magnets. The stand is made of wood and brass.

It is reminiscent of Faraday’s famous experiment.

Hope you Enjoy.

New Propulsion Systems for Ships and Submarines

THEORY: That the efficiency of the fuel to kilometer ratio of ships and submarines could be greatly improved with better hull design. By reducing the friction along the boundary layer of the hull and by removing the ships rudder. Both of which increase the drag on the vessel.

DATE of ORIGIN: December, 2016.

DESCRIPTION: The boundary layer of the ship creates friction where the steel hull meets the water. By reducing the pressure of the water on the boundary layer the drag will be reduced, thereby improving fuel efficiency. The boundary layer is that layer of water that is next to the hull as the hull tries to move forward through the water. This layer is often only twelve centimeters thick but it creates drag on the length of the hull.

The concept here is to reduce friction. This could be done in a couple of ways. One is by reducing the area in contact with the water (pressure per square inch) but this limits the size of the hull and is not practical. Others have demonstrated that bubbles ejected under the hull reduces drag along the boundary layer.

Another way of reducing the pressure per square inch on the hull is by removing the boundary layer. This is achieved by inverting the propulsion system. Instead of pushing the hull forward it is better to suck the hull forward into a vacuum.

This vacuum is created by putting vertical vents along the length of the hull. The vents, similar to a shark gills but in reverse, they reach from the keel to the water line. Each gill like vent extends out into the water about ten centimeters. As the ship moves forward the gill vents scrape away the boundary layer reducing the friction.

Once the water is scraped away from the boundary layer it enters a horizontal exhaust tube running the length of the ship. The exhaust tube inside is twice as big as the surface area of the boundary layer on the outside, reducing the pressure by half. The exhaust tube starts at the bow of the ship looking like a crescent moon and ends at the stern of the ship looking like a circle.

Now instead of a rudder and single propeller at the stern. The single propeller and rudder are removed and there is installed two propellers, one in each exhaust tube. These propellers will create a vacuum in the exhaust tubes thus sucking the ship forward. The exhaust tubes would also be used to steer the ship with one going faster than the other or by reversing one of them. Thereby steering the ship without inducing drag.


The same system of propulsion can be used for submarines but instead of crescent-shaped vents they would be half round vents on either side of the sub.

Hope you Enjoy.

The Annular Kinetic Engine

THEORY: To design an engine that is annular in configuration and specifically designed to run on water as a fuel. An engine that would be inversely proportional to the load or an engine that becomes part of the fuselage. An engine designed to operate throughout the atmosphere and in space, because an engine that burns water does not require carbonation or air intake.

DATE of ORIGIN: November, 2002.

DESCRIPTION: These engines are ring-shaped, flexible and have only one spinning part. There is no crank shaft, no bearings, no oil based lubricant, no valves, no fuel pump or air intake. The engine consists of a ring (or Crank) that slides in the center of a “C” shaped base (or Block). The crank has any number of kinetic pistons that bottom out at the end of their stroke and transfer their kinetic energy into the crank ring, forcing the crank to spin in the direction of the piston compression.

These engines take advantage of quantum geometry and use the Laws of Physics. Just like in Newton’s Cradle where the kinetic energy is transferred from the moving ball, through the stationary balls and into the last ball causing it to move.

There are two primary uses for these engines. The first is to put them into large concrete bunkers with hydro generators on top of them.

The second use is that these engines are designed to power the Galaxycraft. The Galaxycraft is an annular or circular flying aircraft for atmospheric and space flight. They are to be used as a flying atmospheric platform therefore a new kind of aircraft.

1. The Annular Kinetic engine

These engines are designed to be very simplistic and do not resemble anything currently being used. The engine is designed to be incorporated into a circular or annular wing. These engines are also designed to be added together and be shut down independently from each other. It would be possible to have as many as sixteen engines in one Galaxycraft.

The engines operate continuously without stopping for months at a time. The crank spins inside the block, in a layer of high pressure steam where there is little friction or wear on them. Only the crank rings and piston springs would develop fatigue and would have to be maintained. In a multiple engine design, any one engine can be shut down while the others continue running.

Above are four engines stacked, the individual engines are “clutched” together such that one of them could be shut down for repairs while the remaining engines continue to run.

2. Simplicity by Design

These Engines are designed to be built of composites rather than metal. They are made of carbon fiber and plastics with metal cylinder sleeves, springs and cylinder heads. They are to be light, flexible and spin very fast. It is this very design that holds them together. No matter how fast the crank spins, it will never be able to spin out of the block.

The engines have only one moving or spinning part and that is the crank. The crank can have any number of pistons but the point here is to have a lot of them. If the crank was twenty meters or even fifty meters in diameter, it could have hundreds of pistons. All firing at different times at multiple sites around the block.

This is a two-stroke engine, a firing stroke and a return stroke. The pistons return to firing position by spring action. The stroke is only a couple of centimeters long, because it is a kinetic engine using the Laws of Inertia and Laws of Motion. The piston bottoms out, or hits the end of the cylinder at the bottom of the stroke and transfers its kinetic energy into the crank.

3. There is no air intake

The fuel injection is automatic, as the injection port is always open. The back-pressure in the fuel/lubrication zone forces fuel into the cylinder chamber at all times. The size of the fuel injection port is to be only a few millimeters so that the fuel can enter, but the explosion in the cylinder head will not escape. This occurs in part because of the back pressure in the fuel/lubrication zone and because a quick and sudden explosion that expands the volume of air will force down the piston before it can escape through the small fuel port.

The “firing” takes place through the same fuel injection port as it continues to rotate and move past the antenna. The antenna is constantly on. As the open port moves past the antenna, it sends the signal into the cylinder head, splitting the water molecule and igniting the fuel under pressure.

There are to be many firing positions around the block such that by the time it takes the piston to return to the top of its stroke, it is ready to fire again. A computer could set the firing order to suit the need with multiple antennae firing at the same time or independently in rapid order.

After firing, the piston spring is compressed and the mass of the piston is suddenly stopped against the bottom of the cylinder. This transfers the kinetic energy into the crank, which in turn spins the crank forward. There are short, wedge-shaped slots or grooves ground into the side walls of the cylinder for relieving the back pressure when the piston returns to the top of its stroke.

4. There are no moving valves

Again, this engine has been designed to be as simple as possible. That means there are no working or mechanical valves that could break down. This is the reason for the constantly open intake port and the reason for the grooves in the side walls of the cylinder. There is also an exhaust port that is always open at the bottom of the cylinder that exhausts the air pressure in the cylinder chamber behind the piston.

The fuel tank is fastened to the inside of the crank ring, such that centrifugal force runs the fuel down a line and forces it into the lining between the crank and the block. This is the fuel/lubrication zone, pressurizing the water and lubricating the area between the block and the crank.

5. There are no bearings

The block has a pair of steel rings to keep the fuel/lubricant from leaking out at the mouth of the block. The distance between the block and the crank is only a few millimeters and the fuel/lubricant is drawn into this area by centrifugal force. This is because the fuel tank is not as far from the center as is the block. The fuel(water) heats up and is vaporized as the crank spins inside the block.

This highly pressurized and vaporized fuel also acts as the lubricant between the block and the crank. The faster the crank turns, the higher the  lubricant pressure increases, making the engine self-lubricating. The crank is the only spinning part.

6. A fuel that can be found everywhere

These engines are designed to run on water, as they are designed for space travel. Water (and ice) is the only unrefined fuel available in space. It is the water that becomes pressurized and vaporized.

The annular kinetic engine will have lots of energy to produce the electromagnetic energy that is required, as well as having residual energy to be effective to carry the load. The H2O provides both the “air” and the “fuel” needed to operate in space. As well, water provides the opportunity to find more fuel in space, in the form of ice.

This engine below has thousands of moving parts, and the weight is disproportionate to the HP output. They are here to show the difference in complexity in both their operation and construction. These types of engines (internal combustion) and (jet propulsion) are too heavy to achieve the same horsepower -to-weight ratio that the Annular Kinetic engine can achieve.

Please see: Carbon Free Fuel, The Galaxycraft and The Cosmos.

Hope you Enjoy.

Landing Gear Accelerator

THEORY: To use the air speed difference between the plane and the standing air next to the plane. To bring the landing gear up to speed before the landing gear touches down on the runway.

DATE of ORIGIN: August, 1994.

DESCRIPTION: Start by adding a small number of “cups” or “vanes” to the rim of the wheel, clipped on similar to balancing weights. Turning each cup to face the wind, similar to a weather vane, and to rotate the wheel in a clock whys direction. Cups of appropriate size will cause the landing gear to start to rotate and pick up speed until it matches that of the speed of the plane.


This is a very simple idea. This idea has been around for many years, twenty-three actually, often wondering why it was not thought of by someone else, even after all this years.

The point here is to reduce the waste of money and rubber that is left behind on the runway. Millions of dollars are spent on this problem each year. There is even a half million dollar machine for each airport that does nothing but remove rubber from the runway. Using Natural Gas to heat the rubber and then a scraper to remove it.

The rubber left behind when the tires go from a standing position to one hundred and sixty kilometers an hour, in four seconds, is a safety problem. As incoming planes lose traction and slide on the smooth surface.

Here is illustrated the use of “cups” but it could be any number of concepts. From a cup to a computer designed vain. Similar to that of a jet engine intake vain. Long, twisted and protracting from the center. Very simple concept and very effective a reducing costs and the exploitative use of the environment.


Hope you Enjoy.

Three Dimensional Flight

THEORY: By removing the tail wing of the aircraft and by making the rear ailerons “hingable”, and by adding four more flight controls, you can achieve three-dimensional flight.

DATE of ORIGIN: November, 2014.

DESCRIPTION: The tail wing of an aircraft adds lateral directional stability and control. Allowing the plane to turn left and right. It also induces a great deal of drag and limits the aircraft to two dimensions. So herein is the method required to remove the tail (wing) from the aircraft and still maintain lateral control.

1)Removing the tail rudder;

The difference between two and three-dimensional flight is in how long the aircraft takes to respond to the controls. For example in two-dimensional flight, an airplane is just that a plane, it flies in a plane, a horizontal plane. With the ability to pitch up, down, left and right.

In three-dimensional flight the airplane truly becomes an “air” craft as it will be able to pitch up, down, left and right, in its own length. It will not require a two-dimensional plane. Instead of taking one hundred meters to turn the aircraft around it could be done in the length of the aircraft.

2)The ability to swoop;

This new ability is call, “swooping”. With both rear wings in the up position and both rear flaps up, the airplane would pull an upward flip in the length of time it took to work the controls. Making it fly more like a bird. The pilot has the ability to work the two control functions, of each of the left and right aileron, independently from each other. In the drawing above the airplane would swoop up and to the right.

3)New control column;

The pilot works the controls by gripping the two control wheels with the left and right hand respectively. Then by pushing, pulling and twisting up and down the two halves of the control wheel, the pilot controls the ailerons and flaps at the rear of the plane.

The front wings (the lift wings) remain stationary but the flaps on the left and right sides are controlled by the foot pedals. These flaps become more workable with a wider range up and down. this requires the pilot to be able to push and pull at the pedals. To do this the pilot wears a clip on the bottom of his shoes similar to that of a bicycle pedal clip or that of a sky boot.

This configuration of flight controls will also end the problem of the unrecoverable tail spin. As a tail spin is a two-dimensional plane trying to fly in three dimensions. Stalls, dives and spins will all be recoverable with these added flight controls.

Hope you Enjoy.

Creating Hydroelectricity.

THEORY: To create hydroelectricity by using the power of the rivers around the world. By reversing the formula of using—- small amounts of water at high pressure—-to large amounts of water at low pressure.

DATE of ORIGIN: October, 2012.

DESCRIPTION: Large horizontal turbines equipped with drag reducing vanes are attached to generators and fitted onto rail cars. The rail cars are then submerged in the river at a ninety degree angle to the flow of the water. With the rail cars resting at the bottom of the river, the turbines turn at ambient speed. The slow powerful turn of the turbine is then geared up to a higher speed, to turn a generator.

1. The wasted energy in rivers

With all the attention and money being spent on such projects as tidal generation and wave surge generation and other intermittent energy technologies like wind generation. It is difficult to understand why so much attention is being spent on energy sources that are inconsistent. When all around us is an energy source that is not only consistent, but powerful.

This type of hydro generation should stop all need to dam rivers in the future. No need to flood valleys or alter the course of the river. As well it could be applied all around the world, even when there are no valleys to flood. With different scales of track and turbines for different applications or sizes of rivers.

2. Pollution free power

The goal here was to come up with an idea that would not pollute the environment, obstruct the river or harm the fish. With the turbines turning at ambient speed fish would be able to swim much faster than the speed of the turbine and most fish will treat the turbine like rapids and just swim over them. As well screens or guards could be employed.

This is s simple narrow gauge railway running down the river bank and turning 90 degrees such that it runs down and under the water along the river bottom. The rail cars are equipped with turbines that are facing broadside to the current. To reduce the drag on the return stroke of the turbine blades, they are fitted with passive vanes that swing open with the back pressure of the return stroke. Then close under the pressure of the power stroke.

3. No harm to the environment

These passive vanes reduce the drag by up to 80% on the return stroke making this a very effective power to mechanical cost ratio. An engine that has an 80% effective ratio, is very hard to acquire.

With very low environmental impact and the ability to extract the turbines and generators when necessary or for repair makes this a good working design.

As can be seen above. The environmental impact is very low with three simple steps to install and all three can be reversed if necessary. First start by preparing the surface of the river bottom by removing the mud and debris. Then lay down a layer of gravel and finally lay down precast concrete sections installed with rail tracks.

4. Plenty of power for everyone

These power generation stations could be located every kilometer along the river. Generating power in places around the world where, never thought of before, for those who need it most.

Hope you Enjoy.

Improving Solar Panels, (Photo voltaic cells)

THEORY: That today’s solar panels are as efficient as old incandescent light bulbs. That all shiny and reflected light is wasted. That by design and shape the efficiency could be improved greatly.

DATE of ORIGIN: November, 2015.

DESCRIPTION: Solar cells, even those on the International Space Station, are only 60% efficient. Because they reflect up to 40% of the light. They are similar in design to a flat belt when they should look more like a V belt. Prisms and design changes would correct this problem.


Look how different nature does it.

Take note of this plant. It’s a Hen & Chick plant (Sempervivum Tectorum). This is nature’s way of building a photocell. Yes, this is photosynthesis, but the principles are the same.  It is structured and designed to capture sunlight. Notice there is little reflected light.

There are two quick design changes that could occur to make current photo cells more efficient.


First: light is reflected because of the smooth glassy finish of a typical panel. This is simple reflection but herein lies the problem because there is nothing to stop this reflection. It is nearly impossible to position the panel such that there is no reflection (which would be 90 degrees to the Sun) and if that was accomplished the Sun would quickly shift its position.

The way to fix this is by covering the solar panel with many small prisms. Laid out in a horizontal pattern. These prisms will reflect all light down into the solar panel and there will be no reflection. No wasted light and the panel will become more along the lines of 90% to 95% efficient. Producing more electricity for the same infrastructure.

As well, cutting vertical prisms fanning out from the bottom of the panel. These prisms would catch the sun as it tracked across the horizon. This could be accomplished by putting a plastic film over the panel or etched glass panels to overlay the photo panel.

Horizontal Prisms will track the Sun vertically and the Vertical Prisms will track the Sun horizontally. Making it possible for the solar panel to be stationary and still track the Sun across the sky.

Second: Solar panels are made as two-dimensional. If the solar panels were made in three-dimensional arrays they would be more efficient per square meter. Building three-dimensionally also makes it easier to capture more reflected light. As in the Hen & Chick plant. In this example any reflected light is caught by the underside photo panel. Achieving closer to 100% light utilization.

This array is very useful as it can be collapsed for shipment and expanded when delivered. Similar to an old metal kitchen strainer.

Another good example of how nature does sunlight capture is a mountain side. The conical shape of the conifer trees and their year round needles make them the perfect photo cells. Their conical shape packed in densely together is the same as cross cutting prisms on the surface of the photo panel. Nature has created a system so successful that no light escapes. In fact little light even reaches the forest floor.

This is an excellent way to improve efficiency in electrical production and would make the difference between whether a home could be effectively run on solar power.

Hope you Enjoy.

Wheelchair Assist

THEORY: Eliminate the intermittent jarring action required to human power current wheelchairs, with a mechanical assist.

DATE of ORIGIN: June, 2014.

DESCRIPTION: By adding a power assist to the chair, one hundred percent of the human effort, can go into powering the chair with a consistent energy stroke . Additionally, the chair could be powered by one arm for convenience or both axles powered individually for agility.


The idea is to remove the hand grip wheel from the wheelchair. This form of powering the chair requires the operator to push the chair forward by gripping the hand wheel and thrusting their effort forward and down. Relying on the strength of the arms and torso. More importantly, this form of operation requires a power stroke and a re-position stroke. The second stroke does not power the chair and is a required but ineffective stroke. This wasted effort makes the energy effort intermittent. This intermittent energy effort results in a 30% re-position ratio. 70% forward effort, 30% reposition effort.

The wheelchair assist is designed to provide a continuous power stroke. Without the loss momentum. 95% forward effort, 5% mechanical effort. By using gear reduction ratios it will also make it easier to power the chair to individuals. As well, the wheelchair axle could be clutched. This would allow the operator to work the chair with one arm and one assist, attached to a fixed axle, or allow the chair to be operated with each wheel assist working individually.

The “Grip” of the assist could be a handle or a round knob or any other type of grip.

By turning one assist forward and one assist backward will turn the chair left and right. Maintaining full agility.


In the case of sport. If the operator was right-handed and worked the ball with their right hand, then the clutch lever would be on the left hand assist such that they could power the chair straight forward with the left arm and the left assist. Once the player has passed the ball they release the clutch and regain full agility.

Hope you Enjoy.

New Bike Crank, Peddling Made 20% Easier

THEORY: To create a bike crank that would aid in providing a mechanical assist in peddling the bike.

DATE of ORIGIN: April, 2002

DESCRIPTION: This is a telescoping crank arm that chases in and out of a linear bearing. Lengthening the pedal arm to maximum length at the one o’clock position in the pedal stroke. Then tucking in before hitting the bottom of the stroke.


There was patent pending on this idea in June of 2004 in the US. Before the two-year patent pending ran out an application for a full patent was made. The Patent lawyer was working out of  NY. It’s standard practice for them to work for a fee as well as a percentage of the patent. But the lawyer sold or transferred his interest in the crank idea to a second lawyer who did the same to a third lawyer. All the delays and transfers took more than the year which allowed for the patent pending expired.

Now that should have been the end of it because once published (as in patent pending) the idea can not be patented under another name. Five years after filling for a full patent they finally answered the application and it was rejected from the US patent office. Some two years earlier the idea had been patented under another name.

1)Building a better crank;

This is still a very good money-making idea. This crank was on a full-scale bike that road around. It made a very impressive difference in the effort required to peddle the bike.

This bike crank reduces the effort to peddle by 20%. That is right! One fifth easier and it does it without you having to think about it.

There was an US. patent pending on this crank design but that did not protect the idea from lawyers.  They delayed until the patent pending expired then took out a full US patent under another name. The loss was $8,000.00 US. for the patent pending and another $8,000,00 US. to acquire a full US. patent.

New Bike Crank

2)These are the Patent drawings. This is a hydraulic version;

2)The Original Drawings;

You can see there are both mechanical and hydraulic examples. These were designed so that there would be only one cam on one side of the bike crank such that the cam will not interfere with the drive sprockets.

 3)These were the documents that were supposed to protect the idea;


4)This idea belongs to everyone now;


The concept here is in the telescoping crank arm. The idler on the inside of the arm pushes the crank arm back and forth through the linear bearing as it runs around the cam. The cam is off set from the center, forward and up from the center of the crankshaft.

This results in a crank arm that lengthens and shortens from 5 inches on the back stroke to 9 inches on the front stroke in an oval fashion. A typical crank stroke is 7 inches in a circular fashion.

5)Pedals like a regular bike;

The key here is that your foot still goes around in a 14 inch circle. (7+7 or 5+9) so the rider do not know the difference.  But the 2 inch advantage on the power stroke results in a 20% advantage. Now that is a good idea that should put 20% more people on bikes.

It was proposed that the cams would be designed in round or oval shapes to maximize the effect of the telescoping arms.

There are so many applications for this crank. From road racing, to mountain biking to all the pedal carts in the South East, China and India.

Hope you enjoy.

Electromagnetic Hot Water Heater

Theory: To use microwaves to create a tankless hot water system.

Date of Origin: December, 1987.

Description: A tankless hot water system that uses electromagnetic energy waves to heat water to the required temperature. A single line system with heaters located in the wall behind the sink, tub or shower. With temperature controllers located on the wall behind a single tap.


Heating water up to a temperature that is too hot to use and then storing that overheated water, only to cool it down to use it. There is huge energy waste in a hot water tank. Heating water up to a high temperature only to store that water until use is an enormous waste of energy. Only to cool it down to a usable temperature. This type of waste is no longer affordable.

This system proposes that a single water line be installed to all water features in the home or office. With a temperature controller on the wall and a heating unit behind the wall. The temperature control units are connected to a magnetron in the furnace or utility room by wire cable. Turning on the water flow also turns on the magnetron, The temperature control on the wall regulates the amount or power of the magnetron which sends an electromagnetic force along a coaxial cable to the heater unit and heats the water through antenna in the heater unit to the desired temperature.


These water heater schematics were adapted the from a microwave oven. It is doubtful they would work. But it works for the purpose of getting the idea across.

This is the heater tube.

Now there are lots of microwave water heaters around since the middle of the last century but none of them worked. Mostly because they were trying to heat too much water to quickly. Many of them are patented.

What the different here is in the heating tub. The concept was to slow down the water flow by expanding the water line at the point of the heater. Then divide the water flow into three separate flows by putting in a triple baffle with an antenna in each flow compartment. This enables the electromagnetic energy to heat the water in the time required. This is where all other heaters failed By trying to heat too much water a once. In most cases the water only needs to be heated to around 100 to 110 degrees which is not that hot.

Putting in an agitator or aerator in the heater tube may also help the microwaves heat the water as per vibrating the water molecules.

The only unknown here is the required strength and frequency of the magnetron. There are plenty of commercial magnetrons available. There are lots of different manufactures that could make a magnetron to the specifications required. Remember this is an entirely closed system so there would be no danger to users.


Hope you Enjoy.