THEORY: By removing the tail wing of the aircraft and by making the rear ailerons “hingable”, and by adding four more flight controls, you can achieve three-dimensional flight.
DATE of ORIGIN: November, 2014.
DESCRIPTION: The tail wing of an aircraft adds lateral directional stability and control. Allowing the plane to turn left and right. It also induces a great deal of drag and limits the aircraft to two dimensions. So herein is the method required to remove the tail (wing) from the aircraft and still maintain lateral control.
1)Removing the tail rudder;
The difference between two and three-dimensional flight is in how long the aircraft takes to respond to the controls. For example in two-dimensional flight, an airplane is just that a plane, it flies in a plane, a horizontal plane. With the ability to pitch up, down, left and right.
In three-dimensional flight the airplane truly becomes an “air” craft as it will be able to pitch up, down, left and right, in its own length. It will not require a two-dimensional plane. Instead of taking one hundred meters to turn the aircraft around it could be done in the length of the aircraft.
2)The ability to swoop;
This new ability is call, “swooping”. With both rear wings in the up position and both rear flaps up, the airplane would pull an upward flip in the length of time it took to work the controls. Making it fly more like a bird. The pilot has the ability to work the two control functions, of each of the left and right aileron, independently from each other. In the drawing above the airplane would swoop up and to the right.
3)New control column;
The pilot works the controls by gripping the two control wheels with the left and right hand respectively. Then by pushing, pulling and twisting up and down the two halves of the control wheel, the pilot controls the ailerons and flaps at the rear of the plane.
The front wings (the lift wings) remain stationary but the flaps on the left and right sides are controlled by the foot pedals. These flaps become more workable with a wider range up and down. this requires the pilot to be able to push and pull at the pedals. To do this the pilot wears a clip on the bottom of his shoes similar to that of a bicycle pedal clip or that of a sky boot.
This configuration of flight controls will also end the problem of the unrecoverable tail spin. As a tail spin is a two-dimensional plane trying to fly in three dimensions. Stalls, dives and spins will all be recoverable with these added flight controls.
Hope you Enjoy.