THEORY: That the shape of the cosmos, the universe, is a Torus shape. That the black hole does not emit something from nothing. But that the universe is a continual loop, a torus, of expelled material that is drawn back around by gravitational forces of the Singularity, and returned to the back side of the singularity, in the form of a Stellar Mass Hole, to be emitted again. This creates two universes, one expanding and one contracting.
DATE of ORIGIN: December, 2015.
DESCRIPTION: There is no other example of something coming from nothing in nature, nor does it fit the laws of thermodynamics. Only mankind can conceive of the concept of something coming from nothing and this is done from a lack of knowledge. In every example of nature, there is a repetitive pattern of existence. From the smallest quark to electrons, protons, nuclei, atoms, molecules, solar systems and galaxies, there is always a repetitive pattern of existence.
Whether it is a galaxy in the cosmos, or are a single atom in the body of a blue whale, the patterns of existence are the same. And nowhere in that existence do we see something coming from nothing.
1. Our universe is bent
We know from the very brightest minds that gravitational forces can bend light. That the universe that we can see is shaped like a flute and not like a wedge. Starting at the black hole and expanding outward, not in straight lines but rather, a parabolic shape.
This theory would suggest we simply expand on that principle. That the shape is more like a cream filled doughnut. Where the dough part is the cosmos and the universe as we know it. The cream filling in the center is the wormhole and the hole in the center of the doughnut is the black hole or singularity.
2. The singularity
Introducing the concept that the cosmos is actually a torus shape helps us understand that the shape gives way to how the cosmos works. The shape helps us understand the concept of how gravity is bending “space”. Because we know that at the center of every black hole there is a singularity: a large, dense object that forms the shape of the cosmos. The singularity is the engine of the cosmos and works similar to a jet engine where matter enters one side of the engine and comes out the other side with energy behind it.
The shape suggests that the cosmos is never-ending, rather just a continuous loop, over and over again. No beginning and no end, timeless and endless. Each time matter, energy and gases blow out of the singularity, a new existence is created, something that happens endlessly. Each time at the end of the cycle the matter, energy and gases are used up, depleted and fall into the singularity to be created once again.
It is this cycle that gives us the concept of time. Time is the product of matter, energy and light.
3. Both space and time are arched
This fountain is an excellent example of what happens to matter, energy and gases as they leave the singularity and exit the black hole, beyond the event horizon.
It shows very graphically how the space-time continuum is bent. Imagine the pump being the singularity and the nozzle being the black hole and the water being matter, energy and gases. All of the water is concentrated at the pump and bursts out of the nozzle. As soon as the water is released from the fountain, gravity bends it back down.
As in the water fountain, immediately after leaving the black hole the matter, energy and gases are acted upon by gravity and they start to disperse and slow down. Like the fountain, gravity starts to act on the matter, energy and gases as soon as it leaves the black hole and is bent or pulled back around towards the singularity.
At the point of disbursement, the water is concentrated and powerful but as it gets farther away from the nozzle it loses both energy and concentration. Just like the matter, energy and gases do in our universe. This is the conversion of energy. This is how energy always remains the same amount, but becomes spread thinner and becomes weaker.
4. The speed of light is not consistent
This fountain is a good example of how light is bent by the gravitational force of the singularity. As the light leaves the singularity and exits the event horizon of the black hole, it is travelling at its fastest. It is carried by the matter, energy and gases that create the light, but as the matter, energy and gases slow down and disperse, so does the light.
Herein is the discrepancy in Einstein’s theory of gravity. In order to fully develop his theory, you must take into account that nothing is consistent. Not even matter, energy or light. We only think the speed of light is consistent because we use such a small microcosm of existence. The speed of light has a variable that can be found in the parabolic shape of space.
So here is the glitch. If matter, energy and light have a variable speed, so does time. If we are to truly understand how space works, we have to take a three-dimensional space and understand that within that space nothing is consistent. But we know the direction that everything is dispersing and we can establish a reference point, the Milky Way, and we can determine the variable. Then we will understand our universe.
If we were to look towards the black hole, things would be coming at us faster than if we were to look away from the black hole, where they would be going slower. In other words, if you wanted to determine the distance of an object in space and it was between us and the black hole, you would have to add that variable to the speed of light. And if the object observed was behind us from the black hole, you would have to subtract that same variable from the speed of light.
5. Existence is endless
The gravitational forces of the singularity eventually bend all matter, energy and gases (light), back around and it all collapses back in on itself in the form of a stellar mass hole. What makes the process endless is the contribution of light. It only exists on the expanding side of the singularity, being unable to spread thin enough to make it past the division of the cosmic hemispheres.
The energy and gases create light which is the force that powers the singularity as light creates life, which creates matter, which grows the cosmos.
Just as in the case of light, energy is also depleted as it travels around the cosmos. We know that at any cross-section of time there is always the same amount of energy present. We can transform it, use it but every time we do so, it gets spread thinner. The same amount of energy, but now it is spread thinner and it is weaker. Just like in the fountain, the spray at the nozzle is strong but the fall of the droplets are weak.
The bent fabric of space-time.
This is like matter and energy travelling around the curvature of the cosmos. The matter, energy and gases spread themselves thin, just like the water droplets in the fountain. They are totally depleted by the time they collapse into a stellar mass hole on the back side of the singularity. It is this imbalance of matter, energy, gases and light, that powers the singularity. Only matter and depleted energy goes in the stellar mass hole, but matter, energy, gases and light come out of the black hole.
6. There are two universes
The torus shape gives us two universes, one expanding and one expiring. A parallel universe that looks at time differently than we do, rescinding time. Two universes that are split at 90 degrees to the singularity and this division of hemispheres is called the Universal Divide.
7. How the cosmos was created
The old concept we called a black hole, now has to give way to the concept that there is a singularity at the center of the cosmos. We have also discovered that a singularity can be as small as an atom and that there are millions of singularities within the cosmos. This concept gives way to how the cosmos was created. It could have started as small as an atom because singularities create matter. A singularity the size of an atom would grow into a larger singularity with millions of smaller singularities growing within the larger singularity.
The torus shape of the cosmos gives new meaning to its different parts. What we call the black hole is the outlet side of the singularity that happens at the event horizon, and a stellar mass hole
is the event horizon on the input side of a singularity. The singularity, the center of the cosmos, is the driver of creation. It is also the single largest and densest entity in the cosmos with a gravitational force that creates the shape of the cosmos.
8. Why there is a “black hole”
The area between the singularity and the black hole is an area of extreme turbulence for matter and light. No light escapes from here and it is called the event horizon or the black hole. Before this point, light is drawn back into the singularity by gravity. After this point, light is allowed to escape the gravitational pull of the singularity. The singularity’s vortex keeps the light returning before it can escape the black hole. So we can only see the light that escapes this gravitational loop. We see this light start emitting at the event horizon.
Perhaps as much as the first billion years of light is returned to the singularity via the vortices unable to escape the gravitational forces of the singularity.
9. The habitable or life zone
The blue area above is the universe as we know it to be today, 93 billion years of light. That is all the light that we can capture. But it does not mean that the rest of it is not there. For example, we would never be able to see the rescinding universe because all light on the other side of the universal divide will be going in the opposite direction from where we are and it would be too weak to return. It is travelling away from us. But physics should still be able to prove it is there. Knowing what to look for is key.
This depiction of the cosmos also shows how time travel would work. Both light and time are bent around the curvature of the gravitational forces of the singularity. In order to time travel, we have to travel straight across, a short cut through the wormhole. Or, to go even further in a shorter period of time, stay in the wormhole until you are in a different part of the universe and then exit into the galaxy zone.
The area described as the galaxy zone contains all the matter,energy and gases, including dark matter. The wormholes are devoid of all matter including, dark matter and this is where time and velocity become the same thing.
Please see: Carbon Free Fuel, The Annular Kinetic Engine and The Galaxycraft.
Hope you Enjoy.