THEORY: That the efficiency of the fuel to kilometer ratio of ships and submarines could be greatly improved with better hull design. By reducing the friction along the boundary layer of the hull and by removing the ships rudder. Both of which increase the drag on the vessel.
DATE of ORIGIN: December, 2016.
DESCRIPTION: The boundary layer of the ship creates friction where the steel hull meets the water. By reducing the pressure of the water on the boundary layer the drag will be reduced, thereby improving fuel efficiency. The boundary layer is that layer of water that is next to the hull as the hull tries to move forward through the water. This layer is often only twelve centimeters thick but it creates drag on the length of the hull.
The concept here is to reduce friction. This could be done in a couple of ways. One is by reducing the area in contact with the water (pressure per square inch) but this limits the size of the hull and is not practical. Others have demonstrated that bubbles ejected under the hull reduces drag along the boundary layer.
Another way of reducing the pressure per square inch on the hull is by removing the boundary layer. This is achieved by inverting the propulsion system. Instead of pushing the hull forward it is better to suck the hull forward into a vacuum.
This vacuum is created by putting vertical vents along the length of the hull. The vents, similar to a shark gills but in reverse, they reach from the keel to the water line. Each gill like vent extends out into the water about ten centimeters. As the ship moves forward the gill vents scrape away the boundary layer reducing the friction.
Once the water is scraped away from the boundary layer it enters a horizontal exhaust tube running the length of the ship. The exhaust tube inside is twice as big as the surface area of the boundary layer on the outside, reducing the pressure by half.
The exhaust tube starts at the bow of the ship looking like a crescent moon and ends at the stern of the ship looking like a circle.
Now instead of a rudder and single propeller at the stern. The single propeller and rudder are removed and there is installed two propellers, one in each exhaust tube. These propellers will create a vacuum in the exhaust tubes thus sucking the ship forward. The exhaust tubes would also be used to steer the ship with one going faster than the other or by reversing one of them. Thereby steering the ship without inducing drag.
The same system of propulsion can be used for submarines but instead of crescent-shaped vents they would be half round vents on either side of the sub.
Hope you Enjoy.