THEORY: Humans are killing the coral reefs and fish stocks. By dumping human effluent into the lakes, rivers and oceans creating methane gas, and by mixing marine engine gases with the lakes, rivers and oceans creating carbon dioxide gas, we are killing off all the alga and plankton, which in turn is killing off the corral and fish stocks.
DATE of ORIGIN: April, 2015.
DESCRIPTION: All boaters, environmentalists and government agencies, that use conventional marine transportation, are themselves contributing to the problem. Any and all human activity over the water is the problem. We just do not want to blame ourselves.
All internal combustion engines expel their exhaust gases through the propeller shaft or next to the propeller through the casing. these gases mix with the water and suspend themselves there. Gases like carbon dioxide. Which will kill all Algae and Plankton on contact.
All boats over the size of 10′ zodiac have some form of a head (toilet). From a family cruiser to a four thousand person cruise ship, they all dump their human waste into the water.
Cities also dump their human waste into the water ways. Out of sight, out of mind. Some treated in a primary sewage plant and some in a secondary plant, but most is not. There are lots of major cities in north america that pump all their human waste into the water ways.
Whether a boat, ship or city all that human waste is decomposing and off gassing methane gas. All that methane gas is killing the algae and plankton. Two of the most deadly gases that we could mix with water and nobody cares.
From the 10HP engine, to the largest city. It is us that is killing our oceans. Gases like carbon dioxide and methane are killing everything they come in contact with. But the most delicate go first, organisms like plankton and algae. These are the life forces that drive everything else. Without these fragile life forms all life in the oceans are at risk.
Every time a cruise ship goes to Alaska, the great barrier reef or the mediterranean sea, and dumps its holding tanks, from thousands of people, it is no different from a city dumping its own holding tanks. The very cities and ships that bring the visitors to see the beauty, are killing it.
Every environmentalist, scientist or government agency that proclaims to be out on the water in the name of conservation, is in fact contributing to the problem.
Humans flush the toilet and wash their hands of any responsibility for their waist. At the same time we worry about the amount of methane coming from a dairy farm. We worry about the damage it will do to the atmosphere, but we don’t worry about what we do not see.
There is ample proof that carbon dioxide is warming the atmosphere. Greenhouse gas, global warming is all about carbon in the air. That is not any different that carbon in the water. Both methane and carbon dioxide will warm the oceans and both will kill everything they come in contact with.
Slowing the warming of the oceans would be quick and easy if we just stopped dumping our waste into the water. There needs to be a UN initiative to stop the global practice of polluting the waters of the planet. This is no small effort it must be done. We must put back only clean drinkable water after we have used it. anything else will eventually put ourselves at risk.
All outboard and inboard motors on every boat will have to be changed. All existing motors should have to be retro fitted to have mufflers that exhaust into the atmosphere.
Again there needs to be a UN directive that prohibits the use of any motor that exhausts its gases into the water. Our oceans, lakes and rivers are of finite existence. Even more so than the atmosphere. Which makes the practice of dumping our human waste and engine waste into it seem like shooting our own foot.
There is no reason why we can not deal with our waste without dumping it into the water. There is no reason why it has anything to do with the water, except money. So if the environmentalist, scientists and government agencies want to save the planet from warming up than one of the biggest differences they can make would be to put money set aside for new technologies into sewage.
If we want to stop global warming we need to make some hard choices. We need to have a hard look at ourselves and what we are doing. We need to slow down the rate of human consumption. We need to stop taking it for granted.
Hope you Enjoy.