THEORY: That Multiple Sclerosis, or the scaring of nerve tissue is caused by NCEs (Negatively Charged Electrons) from the Sun’s solar storms.
DATE of ORIGIN: January, 2004
DESCRIPTION: NCEs reach earth after a solar storm and are attracted to the magnetic field where upon they attack electrical grids both large and small. Including the human brain.
This study is the result of a friend being diagnosed with MS. We tried everything to understand MS and how, if at all possible, to control the illness. There is no bacteria or virus responsible so the answer had to be elsewhere and the following theory is the result.
We must look at ourselves as more than just earthlings. We are in fact universal beings. In as much as we are products of the universe. Just as we are affected by the sun with the dangers of melanoma there are other dangers as well.
Note in the picture above the red, yellow and green areas are the same as the MS footprint in north america.
Please open, Multiple Sclerosis
This theory on Multiple Sclerosis not only looks at what the environmental triggers are but also, how to monitor our environmental conditions and how to protect ourselves from these dangers.
This theory also raises the question of other warm-blooded, large brained animals such as whales, dolphins and seals. The theory is that all would be affected in the same way as humans and that is the reason whales and dolphins beach themselves. as the attack on their central nervous system would be the same. Resulting in a loss of navigation or balance resulting in the animal thinking it is going to drown. But again only in the north and south pole areas.
This new phenomena called Steve has the same explanation as the aurora borealis. As the electrical grid along the 49th parallel develops into a continuous line from coast to coast so will the deflection of the NCE’s. As of now this phenomena can only be seen if time lapse photography is stitched together as the electrons, when they are there, are sporadic when choosing a ground. But for the most part choose the electrical grid of the larger cities. As these cities grow into each other they provide the continuous ground for the NCE’s.
Cell phone net works also provide a ground for NCE’s and as this system grows along the 49th parallel so does this available ground network.
This phenomena called, Steve, only develops along the 49th because below this latitude the magnetic north pole provides a stronger ground for the NCE’s than do the cities and their electrical grids south of this latitude.
Hope you Enjoy.