Fighting Wildfires

THEORY: To find a better way to fight Interface Forest fires. Currently our efforts to fight wildfires has been limited to methods developed in the 19th century. Here are four methods to fight wildfires safely and effectively. Saving homes and entire subdivisions alike. Three new methods not being used today.

DATE of ORIGIN: November, 28th, 2017.

DESCRIPTION: With today’s technology, fire trucks have become larger and ladders have become longer, but the approach to firefighting is the same. If you found out that there were better ways of civic planning that would save all the homes that have been lost over years to fires, would it be criminal that proper planning was not done in the first place? How can this be allowed to happen when better planning and better by-laws would have saved everything?

Here are three very good ways to fight fires and one old one that should be expanded, but they require giving up control over who fights the fires. It’s about sharing the responsibility and expanding capability. It’s time to start training and equipping others that know the area around which they live.

1. Enabling those who live in the area to protect themselves

Very often these interface fires are located in rural areas. From California to British Columbia, the fires that do the most economic damage are the interface fires. The forest fires that cross into habitable and industrial zones.

There is no excuses for not being able to put out a grass or shrub fire. Every small community has all the equipment needed to put out these types of fires. No matter how big they are. The problem is lack of coordination and will to share the authority.

As seen here ranchers and farmers have all the tools needed to fight grass and brush fires. Instead of telling the ranchers to leave, they should be organized similar to a volunteer fire department. Trained to protect their own property.

At the beginning of fire season all the equipment that is not needed in the fields should be on wagons or trailers and organized such that when it is needed it is ready to move. Every small town that is surrounded by farms should have a fire fighting plan that includes the man power, the irrigation equipment, the pumps and  pre-drilled, designated wells around the community.

Starting with planning what side of the town that my be in the most danger. Then drill wells and have pumps in concrete shelters ready for use. This way miles of irrigation sprinklers could be set up in very short notice.

With the millions of dollars spent, and the billions of dollars lost, it is time to spend the money where it will  do the most good. Empower the local farmers and ranchers.

2. Design Subdivisions, Neighborhoods and Homes properly

Fire hydrants and water mains are installed in the wrong place. They are installed for fireman to use in conjunction with fire trucks, from the road. If subdivisions were designed properly and had fire hydrants on the perimeter, then we would be protected from interface fires. In fact, if subdivisions were designed properly then we would have 24/7 protection with little or no additional cost.

The problem is that all water mains and hydrants are in the wrong place to fight interface fires. They are in the center of the subdivisions when they should also be around the perimeter. The hydrants should be between the houses and the interface forest.

If the fire hydrants were in the right place and the right distance apart, then they could be mounted with water cannons. With fire hydrants every 50-70 meters apart. Each one mounted with a three meter tripod tower with a water cannon on top. Water cannons, with the same water pressure in most hydrants, can shoot water 25-35 meters in a circular fashion. Giving a 50-70 meter circle of defense, going over the houses and forest alike.

Fire hydrants and water cannons pre-installed right where they are needed. Proper planning would provide complete perimeter protection. Bluetooth technology could control the hydraunts so man power would be at risk. With the cannons mounted on three meters towers and automatically turned on by a central command would save manpower.

This is a question of city planning. We have by-laws that state it is necessary to have sprinklers in our homes but not “on” our homes. If it was required that all buildings had to have sprinklers on the corners of the roof, than there would be no property loss. It should be that if you do not have sprinklers on the outside of your home, you can not get insurance.  Remember, water lines are protected from fires because they are buried underground.

Homeowners would be able to turn on the outside sprinklers when asked to leave the area or they also could be controlled by bluetooth. With proper resource planning the water could be reserved to fight the advancing fire front only, conserving local water supplies.

With water cannons around the perimeter of the subdivision, and sprinklers on the buildings, firefighters would be able to concentrate on the front line. The important issue is that there is no threat to life and property if it wet.

3. Use Water Tankers mounted with Water Cannons

How often have you seen fires licking the side of the road while cars are trying to escape? Here is a need for improvement because we have Fire Boats in the harbours, but we do not have any land mobile, fire fighting equivalent.

There are some examples of water tankers mounted with water cannons but they are limited both in speed and capacity. So the idea is to take a conventional double tanker, highway truck, capable of carrying up to 36 – 40 thousand liters of water, and mount it with the same type of water cannon that is on the fire boats.

Here are examples of off-road water tankers. The states and provinces that are under the constant threat of interface forest fires should have fleets of these machines dispersed throughout their jurisdiction.

The idea would to be to take trucks like the one shown below and add pumps and water cannons to the top of the trucks tanks. We need fleets of these trucks ready for use, and in the right places. We need tools that are going to make a difference. These types of trucks would keep fires from jumping across highways and protect those trying to escape.

These rapidly deployed trucks would be way more useful than a conventional fire truck when it comes to interface fires.

4. Use the Air Force to Bomb the front line

Why do we not use all the assets we have?

We ask the forest service to protect our forest on an annual makeshift budget, usually one/ tenth of the actual cost, when we spend billions of dollars on national defense. We train our Air Force to  protect us against an enemy that never reaches our shores, but don’t use the Air Force to defend ourselves from an enemy within.

It is time to take the technology learned by our national defense and use it against natural enemies like fire. Similar to the way oil wells are extinguished with explosives. We should be using our air force’s technical ability to bomb accurately and extinguish wildfires . In this case with the use of directional cluster bombs.

Only these bombs there would be a product similar to “Tannerite” instead of damaging explosives. Tannerite, is composed of ammonia nitrate, basically fertilizer, and aluminum powder. It is used in target shooting and is a high impact explosive, that explodes in an oxygen smothering blast of water vapor. It is harmless in the sense that it will not cause another fire, but powerful, much like a stick of dynamite when it is exploded.

To use as instructed, Tannerite is a binary explosive and must be hit with a caliber larger than a 22. otherwise it is almost impossible to ignite. It is very safe to work with.

For the purpose of fire fighting, design the Tannerite to have an easier ignition. One that would explode upon reaching a specific temperature. As in being drop into a fire.

These large blasts of Tannerite dropped in cluster bombs along the front line of the forest fire would be effective in knocking back the fire front. Stopping the fire from jumping from tree top to tree top candling. Effectively stunning the front line of the fire. This would allow for conventional forms of fire fighting like water drops to extinguish a less intense fire left behind.

In almost all cases, it is the front line of the fire that we are so helpless to stop. Here is a way to knock back that front line safely and without causing further damage to the situation. Knocking back the front line of these fires is the first step in putting them out.

Hope you Enjoy.

Housing Through out the Tropics.

THEORY: To build a building block for home construction out 80% local material and 20% cement. Using polymers as a binding agent (Polycem). building blocks that snap together without the use of mortars.

DATE of ORIGIN: September, 1998.

DESCRIPTION: By using local materials like sugar cane, corn stocks, mangrove and waste wood as base agents. Mixed together with concrete, water and polymers to make a light weight cinder block. By using locally based materials the blocks could be made local to the use, with 80% material savings in cement volume. Making the cost much lower than a standard concrete cinder block.

Polycem blocks with be impervious to rot, insects, weather and storms. It can also be cut with a hand saw and nailed to hold a fastener. It can also be painted adding pride of ownership. It is also possible to put a textured finish on the outside surface.

These products were first meant for roofing products such as shingles or roofing tiles. However, the roofing market is over represented with products and this technology is better suited for mortar-less snap together cinder blocks.

The polymer gives the concrete a memory. Meaning that it will take a force and come back to its original shape. Unlike standard concrete cinder blocks that would simply crack and break.

The concept here is to sell one, two and three room houses that have all the blocks needed to build that particular home. All the homeowner has to do is put down a cement slab with 9′ rebar sticking out around the perimeter. The blocks are slipped over the re bar and then are snapped together with a ten pound hammer. Using a piece of wood between the hammer and the polycem block as to not damage the finished product. Once the blocks are all assembled the homeowner installs the rafters and bends the re bar over the rafters. Now the home is tied together from the slab to the rafters.

The different block molds required would be 13, as follows, Standard blocks, full block, 1/4 block, 3/4 block.  Door/window jamb blocks, LH full block, LH 1/4 block, RH full block, RH 1/4  block. Head and Sill blocks, LH top block, center top block, RH top block and LH bottom block, center bottom block, RH bottom block.

Here a 12″ L x 8″ H x 3″ T, hollow block is used to save money on material. Using a three-part rubber mold. One for the base and inside walls and the other two as outer side and top portions of the mold. Split down the length of the mold. By using a 3″ thick block to save on material required a 1/4 and 3/4 block. Unlike standard cinder blocks which are half as thick as they are long.


If Haiti had these kind of homes all of them would have survived the last storm instead of the massive destruction that took place.

Cheap, strong, rot-proof, locally made homes. That can be assembled by everyone with no fasteners and no tools other a one hammer. But the key is to keep it inexpensive, so locals can have work and housing.


Hope you Enjoy.

How they Built the Pyramids

THEORY: Egyptians used A Frame to lift and Roller Decks to move, large blocks of stone.

DATE of ORIGIN: February, 1989

DESCRIPTION: An A Frame with a fixed length of rope to attach to the load and a longer length of rope for a gang of men to pull on. This method would have been very fast as the blocks could have been moved into and out-of-place in minutes.

It is interesting that the “A” Frame is not listed as a simple machine. The six simple machines are, Lever & Fulcrum, Wheel & Axle, Pulley, Incline Plane, Wedge and Screw. Note that both the Wheel and Pulley are as complex as the A Frame. This omission from the list of simple machines is likely the reason why the speculation has gone on for so long. The omission is also part of the mystery.


This should end all speculation as to how they built the Pyramids. They did not build large ramps. Why would they put up with the friction when they knew how to get around it. Nor did come up with ingenious methods to lever and pivot. This is the preferred method that would have been used. There would have been many A Frames around the perimeter of the pyramid some lifting stone, some lifting fill. They would also be at different heights as unfinished sections would have been left as lifting avenues to lift stone to the top. As the pyramids were finished they worked their way down the lifting avenue of the pyramid to finish it off.

1)The A frame;

A Frames.

As can be seen in this simple drawing they would have used a simple A frame with a long rope attached to the top and a large gang of workers would have pulled on the rope until such time as the block rests at a higher level.  Heavier blocks could have been lifted with a double A frame. This would have reduced the load, requiring less effort to pull.

The A frame would have rested in two grease blocks at the base of the A frame. These blocks would have allowed the A frame to pivot from a horizontal position to a vertical position. lifting the fixed length of rope and the load to a high position.

This is not an A frame but it is close as this one uses a pulley to lift the load and then it is pulled over to the location required. This is operating more like a crane and requires the development of the pulley which came after the wheel, the A frame would have come first.

2)Grease blocks and rollers;

A frames, grease blocks and rollers would have been the technology of the day. Great expense and care would have taken place to procure these machines and the required wood would have traveled down from Europe.

3)Roller bearing decks, wheels and pulleys;

Tackle blocks and wheel bearings would have followed very quickly. As they went from rollers on the ground to rollers in place to rollers on axles. All of this technology would have been exploding around the world at the same time. In Egypt, China, India, Central America and in Cambodia. It is how all the temples of the time were built.

Hope you enjoy.

Bird Feathers are Photo-Metabolic.

THEORY: That birds derive Metabolic Energy, directly from sunlight, through their feathers. That the Prism formation of the feathers, is such that it refracts sunlight and converts this light into metabolic energy. Which is injected into the bloodstream of the bird.

DATE of ORIGIN: June, 2010.

DESCRIPTION: Large birds like the Canada Goose (1.1 to 8 kg) can not require all the energy requirements from grass alone. The energy, calorie count, required for flight (up to a two meter wingspan) is beyond what grass can provide alone.

A Canada Goose can fly over 1,500 miles (2,400 kilometers) in just 24 hours. The energy content of grazed grass varies 0.85 UFL/kg DM to 1.05 UFL/kg DM. Common grass has about 875 calories per pound.

It is possible for a goose to store energy. But the process of storing and spending stored calories is a slow metabolic process. Spending calories in flight will by a much quicker “expenditure” of energy than the metabolic process can keep up with.

Others like the Arctic Tern which migrates farther than any other animal on the planet, from Pole to Pole. How can such a little body do it? The Humming Bird has the fastest metabolism of any animal and one of the smallest. Yet it can fly across North America.

The point here is to see if a living quill still in the wing of a bird could be tested to see if the feather was producing any mille amps. This technology would be beneficial in developing solar panels.


The colour of the feathers that we see is reflected light but not all light is reflected. The prisms in the feather change to reflect different colours but absorb others. A great deal of it is absorbed into the quills and then directly into the bloodstream.

This same Theory applies to Flies, Bees and Dragonflies.

There well could be a hole new science hidden in the wings of birds.


Hope you Enjoy.

Environmental Triggers for Multiple Sclerosis.

THEORY: That Multiple Sclerosis, or the scaring of nerve tissue is caused by NCEs (Negatively Charged Electrons) from the Sun’s solar storms.

DATE of ORIGIN: January, 2004

DESCRIPTION: NCEs reach earth after a solar storm and are attracted to the magnetic field where upon they attack electrical grids both large and small. Including the human brain.

This study is the result of a friend being diagnosed with MS. We tried everything to understand MS and how, if at all possible, to control the illness. There is no bacteria or virus responsible so the answer had to be elsewhere and the following theory is the result.


We must look at ourselves as more than just earthlings. We are in fact universal beings. In as much as we are products of the universe. Just as we are affected by the sun with the dangers of melanoma there are other dangers as well.

Note in the picture above the red, yellow and green areas are the same as the MS footprint in north america.

Please open,        Multiple Sclerosis


This theory on Multiple Sclerosis not only looks at what the environmental triggers are but also, how to monitor our environmental conditions and how to protect ourselves from these dangers.

This theory also raises the question of other warm-blooded, large brained animals such as whales, dolphins and seals. The theory is that all would be affected in the same way as humans and that is the reason whales and dolphins beach themselves. as the attack on their central nervous system would be the same. Resulting in a loss of navigation or balance resulting in the animal thinking it is going to drown. But again only in the north and south pole areas.

This new phenomena called Steve has the same explanation as the aurora borealis. As the electrical grid along the 49th parallel develops into a continuous line from coast to coast so will the deflection of the NCE’s. As of now this phenomena can only be seen if time lapse photography is stitched together as the electrons, when they are there, are sporadic when choosing a ground. But for the most part choose the electrical grid of the larger cities. As these cities grow into each other they provide the continuous ground for the NCE’s.

Cell phone net works also provide a ground for NCE’s and as this system grows along the 49th parallel so does this available ground network.

This phenomena called, Steve, only develops along the 49th because below this latitude the magnetic north pole provides a stronger ground for the NCE’s than do the cities and their electrical grids south of this latitude.

Hope you Enjoy.

The Cosmos

THEORY: That the shape of the cosmos, the universe, is a Torus shape. That the black hole does not emit something from nothing. But that the universe is a continual loop, a torus, of expelled material that is drawn back around by gravitational forces of the Singularity, and returned to the back side of the singularity, in the form of a Stellar Mass Hole, to be emitted again. This creates two universes, one expanding and one contracting.

DATE of ORIGIN: December, 2015.

DESCRIPTION: There is no other example of something coming from nothing in nature, nor does it fit the laws of thermodynamics. Only mankind can conceive of the concept of something coming from nothing and this is done from a lack of knowledge. In every example of nature, there is a repetitive pattern of existence. From the smallest quark to electrons, protons, nuclei, atoms, molecules, solar systems and galaxies, there is always a repetitive pattern of existence.

Whether it is a galaxy in the cosmos, or are a single atom in the body of a blue whale, the patterns of existence are the same. And nowhere in that existence do we see something coming from nothing.

1. Our universe is bent

We know from the very brightest minds that gravitational forces can bend light. That the universe that we can see is shaped like a flute and not like a wedge. Starting at the black hole and expanding outward, not in straight lines but rather, a parabolic shape. 


This theory would suggest we simply expand on that principle. That the shape is more like a cream filled doughnut. Where the dough part is the cosmos and the universe as we know it. The cream filling in the center is the wormhole and the hole in the center of the doughnut is the black hole or singularity.


2. The singularity

Introducing the concept that the cosmos is actually a torus shape helps us understand that the shape gives way to how the cosmos works. The shape helps us understand the concept of how gravity is bending “space”. Because we know that at the center of every black hole there is a singularity: a large, dense object that forms the shape of the cosmos. The singularity is the engine of the cosmos and works similar to a jet engine where matter enters one side of the engine and comes out the other side with energy behind it.



The shape suggests that the cosmos is never-ending, rather just a continuous loop, over and over again. No beginning and no end, timeless and endless. Each time matter, energy and gases blow out of the singularity, a new existence is created, something that happens endlessly. Each time at the end of the cycle the matter, energy and gases are used up, depleted and fall into the singularity to be created once again.

It is this cycle that gives us the concept of time. Time is the product of matter, energy and light.

3. Both space and time are arched

This fountain is an excellent example of what happens to matter, energy and gases as they leave the singularity and exit the black hole, beyond the event horizon.

It shows very graphically how the space-time continuum is bent. Imagine the pump being the singularity and the nozzle being the black hole and the water being matter, energy and gases. All of the water is concentrated at the pump and bursts out of the nozzle. As soon as the water is released from the fountain, gravity bends it back down.

As in the water fountain, immediately after leaving the black hole the matter, energy and gases are acted upon by gravity and they start to disperse and slow down. Like the fountain, gravity starts to act on the matter, energy and gases as soon as it leaves the black hole and is bent or pulled back around towards the singularity.

At the point of disbursement, the water is concentrated and powerful but as it gets farther away from the nozzle it loses both energy and concentration. Just like the matter, energy and gases do in our universe. This is the conversion of energy. This is how energy always remains the same amount, but becomes spread thinner and becomes weaker.

4. The speed of light is not consistent

This fountain is a good example of how light is bent by the gravitational force of the singularity. As the light leaves the singularity and exits the event horizon of the black hole, it is travelling at its fastest. It is carried by the matter, energy and gases that create the light, but as the matter, energy and gases slow down and disperse, so does the light.

Herein is the discrepancy in Einstein’s theory of gravity. In order to fully develop his theory, you must take into account that nothing is consistent. Not even matter, energy or light. We only think the speed of light is consistent because we use such a small microcosm of existence. The speed of light has a variable that can be found in the parabolic shape of space.

So here is the glitch. If matter, energy and light have a variable speed, so does time. If we are to truly understand how space works, we have to take a three-dimensional space and understand that within that space nothing is consistent. But we know the direction that everything is dispersing and we can establish a reference point, the Milky Way, and we can determine the variable. Then we will understand our universe.

If we were to look towards the black hole, things would be coming at us faster than if we were to look away from the black hole, where they would be going slower. In other words, if you wanted to determine the distance of an object in space and it was between us and the black hole, you would have to add that variable to the speed of light. And if the object observed was behind us from the black hole, you would have to subtract that same variable from the speed of light.

5. Existence is endless

The gravitational forces of the singularity eventually bend all matter, energy and gases (light), back around and it all collapses back in on itself in the form of a stellar mass hole. What makes the process endless is the contribution of light. It only exists on the expanding side of the singularity, being unable to spread thin enough to make it past the division of the cosmic hemispheres.

The energy and gases create light which is the force that powers the singularity as light creates life, which creates matter, which grows the cosmos. 

Just as in the case of light, energy is also depleted as it travels around the cosmos. We know that at any cross-section of time there is always the same amount of energy present. We can transform it, use it but every time we do so, it gets spread thinner. The same amount of energy, but now it is spread thinner and it is weaker. Just like in the fountain, the spray at the nozzle is strong but the fall of the droplets are weak.

The bent fabric of space-time.

This is like matter and energy travelling around the curvature of the cosmos. The matter, energy and gases spread themselves thin, just like the water droplets in the fountain. They are totally depleted by the time they collapse into a stellar mass hole on the back side of the singularity. It is this imbalance of matter, energy,  gases and light, that powers the singularity. Only matter and depleted energy goes in the stellar mass hole, but matter,  energy, gases and light come out of the black hole.

6. There are two universes   

The torus shape gives us two universes, one expanding and one expiring. A parallel universe that looks at time differently than we do, rescinding time. Two universes that are split at 90 degrees to the singularity and this division of hemispheres is called the Universal Divide.

7. How the cosmos was created

The old concept we called a black hole, now has to give way to the concept that there is a singularity at the center of the cosmos. We have also discovered that a singularity can be as small as an atom and that there are millions of singularities within the cosmos. This concept gives way to how the cosmos was created. It could have started as small as an atom because singularities create matter. A singularity the size of an atom would grow into a larger singularity with millions of smaller singularities growing within the larger singularity.

The torus shape of the cosmos gives new meaning to its different parts. What we call the black hole  is the outlet side of the singularity that happens at the event horizon, and a stellar mass hole  is the event horizon on the input side of a singularity. The singularity, the center of the cosmos, is the driver of creation. It is also the single largest and densest entity in the cosmos with a gravitational force that creates the shape of the cosmos.

8. Why there is a “black hole”

The area between the singularity and the black hole is an area of extreme turbulence for matter and light. No light escapes from here and it is called the event horizon or the black hole. Before this point, light is drawn back into the singularity by gravity. After this point, light is allowed to escape the gravitational pull of the singularity. The singularity’s vortex keeps the light returning before it can escape the black hole. So we can only see the light that escapes this gravitational loop. We see this light start emitting at the event horizon. Perhaps as much as the first billion years of light is returned to the singularity via the vortices unable to escape the gravitational forces of the singularity.


9. The habitable or life zone

The blue area above is the universe as we know it to be today, 93 billion years of light. That is all the light that we can capture. But it does not mean that the rest of it is not there. For example, we would never be able to see the rescinding universe because all light on the other side of the universal divide will be going in the opposite direction from where we are and it would be too weak to return. It is travelling away from us. But physics should still be able to prove it is there. Knowing what to look for is key.


This depiction of the cosmos also shows how time travel would work. Both light and time are bent around the curvature of the gravitational forces of the singularity. In order to time travel, we have to travel straight across, a short cut through the wormhole. Or, to go even further in a shorter period of time, stay in the wormhole until you are in a different part of the universe and then exit into the galaxy zone.

The area described as the galaxy zone contains all the matter,energy and gases, including dark matter. The wormholes are devoid of all matter including, dark matter and this is where time and velocity become the same thing.

Please see: Carbon Free FuelThe Annular Kinetic Engine and The Galaxycraft.

Hope you Enjoy.


The Story of Homo Sapiens

It should come as no surprise that the author of these theories has a different view of the origin of human life. If these theories about Carbon free fuel, the Cosmos and the Galaxycraft are proven to be true, then we are forced to look at ourselves very differently.

From a new fuel to a new engine to a new galaxycraft that suddenly allows for controlled flight through earth’s atmosphere and space. To a new realization of the cosmos, there is another story to tell.

There have been untold number of stories about space and alien life but never before has this story been told. And yet this is the one that will be closest to home.

1) The Size and Shape of the Cosmos;

It is hard for us to imagine just how many solar systems there are in our Universe, let along the Cosmos (both universes). Somehow it seems easier to count the atoms in an elephant. But we still know that they are there millions of galaxies with millions of solar systems.

We strive to see and understand beyond our vision and imagination. We can see a good part of our universe, 93 million years of light, and can identify most of the components. Galaxies, Black holes, Nebula, Neutron Stars, Suns, Planets and Moons and we can see that the pattern of existence is replicated over and over again.

Understanding that the cosmos is made up of two Universes, is to understand this replication. For nowhere in that example of replication, did something come from nothing.

It is this replication, the continual repetition that is evident in all aspects of both Life and Existence, that tells us there are two universes. In every aspect of physics we can see this replication of the cycle of life. From atoms to molecules and on to solar systems there is a cycle to existence.

It sounds funny now, but in the years to come we will be talking about how in the beginning of the twenty-first century, they believed in the Flat Universe Society.

The Universe exists and life exists in the Universe. We are prof of that, but to be the only life in the combined Universes, would not fit that equation of repetition. It is the very size and shape of the Cosmos that makes it a certainty that there is life out there somewhere.

Life has to be as old as the Cosmos. For why would the Cosmos exist if there was no Life to comprehend that there was existence? What would be the purpose of existence to just exist, without life? If we had no comprehension of the Cosmos, it would not exist. The fact that something exists, is a consequence of the comprehension of that existence.

There is even an odd chance that Life is older than “this” existence. Existence does in fact have a time line. A start and a finish in that, all matter cycles around the Cosmos and is recreated after exiting the Black Hole again. Each time beginning a new Existence. Life as we know, is very thrifty and knows how to stay ahead of extinction.

How old is the cycle of Existence? It took our solar system 11.5 Billion years to get to where it is today. Most of the planets in our solar system were formed around 4.5 billion years ago. It is better to start with the age of the solar system because the planets in the solar system did not start to form for some extended period of time after the expansion from the Black Hole. This is an assumption that the solar system started forming right after visible light.

As well, the first one billion years for light would not escape from the Black Hole (that is why the Hole is Black) so that Time is added. So it took around 12.5 Billion years to get to where we are now. It would take another 50 Billion (or so) to reach the Universal Divide. Double that and it should give you the concept. About 130 Billion years to 150 Billion years old. Depending on the Shape of the black Hole.

The Black Hole is an Inverse Biconic Shape (an Hourglass shape). But the length of the restriction would determine the total length of the Hole. That would determine the shape of the Gravitational pull on the Light and Matter being extruded from the Hole. The Shape of the Cosmos could be Round to a little flat like an Oval or a Doughnut.

One Hundred, Fifty Billion years. That’s how long for one loop of existence to complete the cycle from Black hole to Black Hole. Human Life could be older.

2) The Two Universes;

Understanding that there are in fact two parallel universes helps to understand that there is a cycle to all life but particularly Human life (Homo Sapiens life). That it just does not start and end here on earth. Two universes teach us that there is no start and no end to “all” Existence. Existence is in fact an endless loop that keeps recreating itself over and over again. There well may be an endless loop of Human Existence living in the inhabitable part of the cosmos’ endless loop of existence.

The Black Hole acts like a giant engine that runs the Cosmos. Sucking in all that exists, concentrating all Matter and spitting it all out again to complete the cycle. The contracting universe is spiraling into a cosmic compactor that leaves no void. No room, even for light. Packed tighter than the atoms of a diamond. This compaction can only remain intact at the center of the Black Hole. For the length of the center of the Black Hole.

As this comically packed matter passes through the center of the Black Hole it starts to expand once again. With the same amount of energy that took to compress it. Like a giant endless flare. We can only see the light of this flare at some distance from the Black Hole, perhaps as far as one billion years from the exit from the Hole. As the light close to the Hole is sucked back around to the entrance of the Hole by violent stormy vortex.

This is an easier concept for human minds to conceive than the creation of everything from nothing, at one time. That requires a Higher Being or Higher Power, no matter whom or what you call that higher power. Sure you could say that the Higher Power then just created the cosmos as defined here. But how does something that has no end and no beginning get created? In this case the Cosmos is so large, endless and repetitive that we will never get a grasp of the complete concept of it all. It just is.

The two universes provide a problem for life, even Human life. Human life would not be able to stay in one place forever. Because there is no forever. Life, like existence is cyclical. If Human life was to stay on the same planet forever, it would eventually cross the Universal Divide and begin Rescinding Time. That would be a count down to the termination of life. And that is not cyclical. Which, is what existence has told us about life, even Human life.

So life did not stay put? How could it? Human life has to stay ahead of Rescinding Time. It must stay in the correct universe, Expanding Time, to grow or it will be extinguished.

3) The Problem with Evolution;

Darwin was right. There is evolution. But as it has been defined, leaves too many unanswered questions. Why is evolution apparently so rapid in the human genome and not so for any others. How did the modern human mind develop in 65 thousand or even 600 thousand years? We now have 4 thousand years of recorded pictorial or written history. If human life evolved that fast, we would continue to see that same rapid change. Even in the last 4 thousand years.

When the crocodile or alligator is unchanged for 300 million of years. The common rabbit is 12 million years with little or no evolutionary change. Evolution likes to dead-end. Evolution likes to fill a void but when the void is filled, evolution for all intended prepossess, stops. Natural selection continues to make environmental changes but there is no new genome. A Rhinoceros will always be a rhinoceros even with three horns. It will not evolve to become a type of Dinosaur or any other animal form.

If the strongest and most adapted is the key to evolution than the rabbit would surely have grown teeth to eat the fox. Yes, we see changes in animals like Hummingbirds, but it is still a Hummingbird. We have yet to see a Hummingbird change into a new type of bird or anything else. To think that a Hummingbird and a Crow came from the same prehistoric Bird is to assume all birds came from one kind of Bird. Only one evolutionary path to Birds. When there could have been many.

Until now Humans have striven to understand where human life on earth has come from. This of course will never be found here. There is no missing link and there will never be one. There may have been mixing of genome, Homo Erectus and Neanderthal or even Homo Sapiens. But there was no new genome or Branch in evolution that explains the origins of the Homo Sapiens. Homo Sapiens appeared on earth over a very short period of time.

4) The Problem with Creationism;

Religion is Human conceived. Created from within. All Facts in religion require an element of Belief. It is a belief system that has been created by human minds. It was created to fill a void in understanding. The fact that every isolated race of modern humanity, has developed their own religion is a testimonial to the fact that humans required a need to fill in the unknown. To imagine the unknown.

The one thing in common is that the human mind strives to understand its own existence. Each coming up with a concept that they can follow and pass on to other generations.

There is nothing on earth that can not be explained by science. There is no great magic that mystifies us. Both science and mathematics can account for every aspect of both life and existence. Our perspective is only limited by our ability to see larger or smaller. Smaller than a Quark and larger than the Milky Way.

Regardless of the fact that most of Religion was created by humans, it still has intrinsic value in the understanding of human life.

Finding the Creator’s Truth in religion is not difficult. Study all the major religions of the world and deduct from them the 5 or 6 Principles that the religions all have in common. The founding Principles, they will all be the same. These common principles are inherently required from the Creator and are not man-made.

The concept that we came from somewhere or some place. The concept of Genesis, life starting new. Even the concept of returning to where we came from after death. The concept that we are one with the Creator, the Sons and daughters of the Creator, (or the Christos figure in Christian faith) and that his Faith resides in all of us, is correct.

We may well have come from a planet called Heaven and that the Spiritual Leader of that planet was called God (in English) and that one day we will return to the side of the Creator, are all correct.

The rest is dogma that is designed by mankind to control mankind’s soul, sex and society.

5) The Population of the World is Evenly Divided;

This is an important observation. Which side is right on the question of Genesis or Evolution, which theory is right. This deadlock in the most fundamental understanding of life is both troubling and telling.

It is not that one side is right and the other wrong. This kind of polarization tells us that both sides are right. Or at least some aspects of both sides are right.

We Humans have evolved on earth. We have, there is evidence of that. But how much and when did it start? As hard as we try the missing Link still eludes us. Just when did the Homo Sapiens genome start?

At the same time we Humans look to the stars for inspiration and for the beginning of Life. Half of us truly believe that we came from the Heavens. That Human life was seeded here. Genesis, and it happened in a very short period.

The answer lies somewhere in the middle. Both Theories are correct to some extent. Human souls look to the Heavens searching for both guidance and answers. Science looks for Early signs of Life. Religion looks for the Spiritual signs of Life. And they both have their place in the origins of Life.

It doesn’t go unnoticed that we do not look to the oceans for the origins of Human life. Yes, again there is evidence of evolution in the oceans, but without a missing Link, it is not the origin of Human life. Both science and religion look to the sky’s (heaven’s) for the origin of Human life. And that adds up to the vast majority of Human souls.

Looking out into the Universe for the origins of Human life. This concept of coming from the “heavens” is a fundamental aspect of conciseness. So, if Genesis has already happened and Human life was seeded here on Earth to grow again,  than our intellect was Dialed back. If our intellect was Dialed back then it would be important to maintain fundamental aspects of subconsciousness. That thread of subconsciousness is the historical link through Genesis after Genesis.

That Historical Link, that important fundamental aspect of subconsciousness, is the common link in all religion

This inherent subconsciousness allows us to eventually find our way forward to repeat the Genesis.

6) A new type of Genesis;

If Human Life must stay on the move to avoid extinction than Human Life is very old. Millions of years older than first thought. Then, it is not hard to imagine that Life has moved more than once. That Life in fact must stay in the expanding universe. The closer we come to the Universal Divide, the more urgency to move. That means that if Life had to move from the Universal divide, it would move in the exact direction and location of the Milky Way and Earth.

Just at that right spot. Far from the Black Hole and in a part of the Cosmos that was old enough and stable enough to sustain Life for a very long time. From here we ride the Milky Way all the way to the Universal Divide and move again.

Always moving back against Time. Against expending time. This makes Humanity, Homo Sapiens, very old. Genesis has happened over and over again. We are the product of the last genesis. Each time Human life has started over it has been moved against expanding time. This means that Human life (intellect) has been “Dialed” back.

Each time Human life is dialed back it also dials back our intellect. This is an important point to Genesis. The dial back is conditional to the new planet that the Genesis is taking place. Here on Earth our intellect was dialed back to a point where we started again with wood for housing, fuel and weapons.

This dial back allows for Human development to take place while existing in expanding time. Otherwise we would outgrow our new environment to quickly. We would use up the earth’s resources to quickly and need to move before we knew how.

Dialing back our intellect, is an insight into the development of our minds and how we learn. For if our intellect was dialed back, that means the process of learning is to dial forward. This implies that we already know everything we need to get to the point of dialing ourselves back. We already know everything we will ever need to know. We simply have to unlock if from our minds.

Human Life would not be cyclical if Genesis depended on a single attempt. A fifty, fifty chance would ultimately fail. That would suggest that Homo Sapiens were seeded in more than one place on the planet. All Human life on the planet did not come from one valley in Africa. The chances of survival for the Genome would have been very low.

This would suggest that the Genome was seeded in multiple places at the same time. On different continents around the planet. Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia and America. Some may have failed, but others succeeded. Think of the early stone structures around the planet. From Central America to South East Asia and Northern Africa and others, this technology did not cross oceans. But in several places around the planet, at the same time, and the same technology rises. Some had Mortar, some did not, but the ability to cut, move, shape and place stones grew independently at the same time in different places. This means that all Homo Sapiens developed the same intellect at the same time in different places.

If we did arrive here on earth and we did come in a Galaxycraft as described in these papers, then the shape of that craft would be deeply ingrained into our subconscious. We would look for others. We would strive to remember the shape so we would recognize the craft again. The shape of the craft would become part of our existence. And so it has. The shape of this craft can be seen in historical drawings and cultural monoliths around the globe.

7) To many Types of Hominids;

We have been able to build our evolutionary tree to an extent. And we know that there have been more that one type of Hominids. From Homo Neanderthalansis, to Homo Erectus, to Homo Floresiensis and Homo Heidelbergensis. But only one was to dominate. Homo Sapiens. What happened to the others?

The answer to that question can be found in the very nature of what it means to be Homo Sapiens. A fast-moving, tool making, fire controlling Hominid. A hominid that possessed social and domestic attributes.

We simply killed then off. There was no room for more than on type of hominid and Homo Sapiens won. There is evidence of cross genes in our genome. This is all the evidence we need to know, to know what happened. The other Hominids were a threat and Homo Sapiens ended that threat.

Making Homo Sapiens the dominant species on earth.

Homo Sapiens all have one gene in common. The Long Hair Gene. No other Hominid has the Long Hair gene. It is one of the most important differences between Homo Sapiens and other Hominids. Between us and them.

The Long Hair gene would not be easy to live with. The very first tools ever made would have been tools to cut or keep that hair. teaching us to be toolmakers. Socializing would have been a product of that long hair. eaning and grooming each other. Helping each other cope with the danger and complexity of that hair. The very first tools and knives ever made would have be made to groom or cut that hair.

No other mammal on the planet has the long hair gene.A horses mane, woolly mammoth, or the hair on Neanderthal did not grow endlessly. For early homo sapiens this would prove to be the defining factor.

It is also the defining factor in our history. For the Long Hair gene did not come from earth. It came with us. It is a result of the last Genesis.

 8)The age of humanity;

Humanity, Human Beings, Homo Sapiens, are older than our existence here on earth. If Genesis has happened once, then there is a good chance it has happened more that once. There is also a good chance it has happened in more than one place. How old is our line of humanity? How old is another? How many places does humanity exist? More than one. One place is not enough to guarantee the longevity of the Homo Sapiens genome. There would have to be many attempts at Genesis for any hope of protecting the longevity of the genome.

That would suggest that if we were to travel throughout the universe we would not find aliens. We would find the same Homo Sapiens genome as ourselves. We would find ourselves. We would begin to understand just where and when the Homo Sapiens genome started.

Gravity, oxygen and solar activity will all play a role in what other Homo Sapiens look like, but they will be Human. We, Homo Sapiens, are existing throughout the expanding universe. In all likelihood we are thriving.

Moving from one planet to another. Killing, dominating and controlling our domain. Only when we realize where we came from and what we have already done to this earth will we come together to change our future. Only then will we realize how small we are and how we depend on each other for survival.

Please see; The Real Shape of the Cosmos, The Annular Kinetic Engine, and The Flying Atmospheric Platform (Galaxycraft)

Hope you Enjoy.

Killing our Reefs & Oceans

THEORY: Humans are killing the coral reefs and fish stocks. By dumping human effluent into the lakes, rivers and oceans creating methane gas, and by mixing marine engine gases with the lakes, rivers and oceans creating carbon dioxide gas, we are killing off all the alga and plankton, which in turn is killing off the corral and fish stocks.

DATE of ORIGIN: April, 2015.

DESCRIPTION: All boaters, environmentalists and government agencies, that use conventional marine transportation, are themselves contributing to the problem. Any and all human activity over the water is the problem. We just do not want to blame ourselves.

All internal combustion engines expel their exhaust gases through the propeller shaft or next to the propeller through the casing. these gases mix with the water and suspend themselves there. Gases like carbon dioxide. Which will kill all Algae and Plankton on contact.

All boats over the size of 10′ zodiac have some form of a head (toilet). From a family cruiser to a four thousand person cruise ship, they all dump their human waste into the water.

Cities also dump their human waste into the water ways. Out of sight, out of mind. Some treated in a primary sewage plant and some in a secondary plant, but most is not. There are lots of major cities in north america that pump all their human waste into the water ways.

Whether a boat, ship or city all that human waste is decomposing and off gassing methane gas. All that methane gas is killing the algae and plankton. Two of the most deadly gases that we could mix with water and nobody cares.

From the 10HP engine, to the largest city. It is us that is killing our oceans. Gases like carbon dioxide and methane are killing everything they come in contact with. But the most delicate go first, organisms like plankton and algae. These are the life forces that drive everything else. Without these fragile life forms all life in the oceans are at risk.

Every time a cruise ship goes to Alaska, the great barrier reef or the mediterranean sea, and dumps its holding tanks, from thousands of people, it is no different from a city dumping its own holding tanks. The very cities and ships that bring the visitors to see the beauty, are killing it.

Every environmentalist, scientist or government agency that proclaims to be out on the water in the name of conservation, is in fact contributing to the problem.

Humans flush the toilet and wash their hands of any responsibility for their waist. At the same time we worry about the amount of methane coming from a dairy farm. We worry about the damage it will do to the atmosphere, but we don’t worry about what we do not see.

There is ample proof that carbon dioxide is warming the atmosphere. Greenhouse gas, global warming is all about carbon in the air. That is not any different that carbon in the water. Both methane and carbon dioxide will warm the oceans and both will kill everything they come in contact with.

Slowing the warming of the oceans would be quick and easy if we just stopped dumping our waste into the water. There needs to be a UN initiative to stop the global practice of polluting the waters of the planet. This is no small effort it must be done. We must put back only clean drinkable water after we have used it. anything else will eventually put ourselves at risk.

All outboard and inboard motors on every boat will have to be changed. All existing motors should have to be retro fitted to have mufflers that exhaust into the atmosphere.

Again there needs to be a UN directive that prohibits the use of any motor that exhausts its gases into the water. Our oceans, lakes and rivers are of finite existence. Even more so than the atmosphere. Which makes the practice of dumping our human waste and engine waste into it seem like shooting our own foot.

There is no reason why we can not deal with our waste without dumping it into the water. There is no reason why it has anything to do with the water, except money. So if the environmentalist, scientists and government agencies want to save the planet from warming up than one of the biggest differences they can make would be to put money set aside for new technologies into sewage.

If we want to stop global warming we need to make some hard choices. We need to have a hard look at ourselves and what we are doing. We need to slow down the rate of human consumption. We need to stop taking it for granted.

Hope you Enjoy.